cours de conduite

About our driving Lessons

Driving lessons adapted to your level

Driving courses are optional, but highly recommended.

Thanks to the driving lessons given by Auto-école Lémanique’s instructors, you’ll have a personalized follow-up on your driving lessons.


Driving lessons at auto-École Lémanique are an important step in learning to drive. Although these courses are optional in Switzerland, they are highly recommended to maximize your chances of passing the practical test. During these courses, you will be accompanied by a professional instructor who will guide you through the basics of driving and give you invaluable advice on how to pass your test.

The presence of an instructor over the course of the hours also enables you to have an ongoing assessment of your driving level, so that you can identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Depending on your learning pace, your driving instructor will then adapt the lessons to your specific needs, with the aim of helping you develop your skills and correct your weaknesses.

Good to know: The driving course will enable you to put into practice the knowledge acquired during theory lessons and develop your driving skills. That’s why it’s so important to learn the theory of the Highway Code carefully!

The driving course is for anyone with a valid learner’s permit who wishes to take their driving test. This means that to take driving lessons at the Lémanique driving school, you must hold a learner’s permit or a foreign driving license valid in Switzerland.

Whether you’re a young driver just starting out, or someone who already has some driving experience, a driving course can be of benefit to you. For new drivers, driving lessons are essential for acquiring the basic skills needed to drive safely. You’ll learn the rules of the road, maneuvering techniques, how to manage your vehicle in different situations, as well as good driving habits and routines.

For those who already have some driving experience, driving lessons can be useful to refresh their knowledge, improve their driving skills and prepare effectively for the practical test. Instructors will also be able to identify and correct any bad driving habits.

In a nutshell, driving lessons are for anyone with a learner’s permit who wants to develop their driving skills with a view to passing the practical driving test.

In concrete terms, the ultimate aim of driving lessons is to give you all the keys you need to pass your driving test. On closer examination, this results in an apprenticeship based on several key pillars. Essential lessons to make you a responsible driver!

Acquire basic driving skills

The driving course aims to teach you the essential basics of driving, including traffic rules, maneuvering techniques, vehicle control and managing the different aspects of driving.

Develop confidence and ease behind the wheel

The aim is to help you develop your self-confidence and feel at ease behind the wheel in different driving situations. Practical courses will give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with real-life traffic and build up your confidence. Good to know: To enable you to gain confidence without taking any risks, the Lémanique driving school cars are equipped with dual controls. This dual control allows the instructor accompanying you to brake and decelerate if necessary. A second pedal unit and additional rear-view mirrors are fitted, so you can learn to manage a car while giving your instructor room to maneuver.

Improve specific driving skills

L’auto-école Lémanique’s instructors are trained to help you improve your skills in all aspects of the driving test. For example, mastering maneuvers, managing speed, positioning yourself on the road… Thanks to personalized advice adapted to your learning pace, you’ll see a real improvement in your skills as the sessions progress. Preparing for the driving test

One of the main aims of the driving course is to prepare you for the practical driving test. Our instructors will put you through your paces in the form of a mock exam, giving you advice on the examiner’s expectations and helping you to overcome any shortcomings to increase your chances of success.

Get an assessment of progress

At the end of the course, L’auto-école Lémanique’s instructors will assess your progress and identify your strengths and areas for improvement. This final assessment will make you aware of the skills you have acquired and the areas where you may need to focus more effort before the practical test.

Driving lessons at Auto-École Lémanique are designed and structured to offer you a complete learning experience tailored to your level and specific needs. Driving hours last 50 minutes, but you can book double time slots: the course will then last 100 minutes. In all cases, the instructors at L’auto-école Lémanique will adapt to your level. Find out everything you need to know about driving lessons in Geneva!

Booking your driving course

To take driving lessons, you first need to book them with the driving school of your choice. At L’auto-école Lémanique, you can book your lessons at the secretariat. You’ll be able to choose the duration of the course, the type of car you want to practice on (manual or automatic gearbox), the meeting place and the instructor.

You also have a choice of payment methods:

– Online by credit card
– Cash on the day of the course
– According to the formalities of your package at a preferential rate

Good to know: Once you’ve started driving lessons with your instructor, you can book your slots directly with him/her over the phone.

Pre-course briefing

To start your course, plan to arrive at the meeting point on time or early. Before you get behind the wheel, your instructor will explain the purpose and progress of the course. He or she will ask you questions to assess your current driving level and discuss your specific needs.

The driving course

The driving course itself usually lasts 50 minutes. It’s also possible to do double lessons, which last 100 minutes. During this period, you will take the wheel under the supervision of your instructor. He or she will guide you through different driving situations, such as city driving, freeway driving, parking, manoeuvring… Your instructor will give you personalized advice to improve your skills and will answer your questions throughout the course.

Your instructor’s feedback and assessment

At the end of the course, your instructor will give you detailed feedback on your performance. It will highlight your strengths and areas for improvement, and discuss the progress you’ve made. This assessment will enable you to better identify your development areas and focus your efforts on them.

Planning the following courses

After the course, you can plan subsequent driving lessons to suit your schedule and goals. Your instructor will advise you on the recommended number of lessons according to your individual needs. With this kind of personalized follow-up, you’ll know for sure when you’re ready to take your driving test!

To prepare for your driving test properly, it’s always best to choose just one driving school. Make the best choice, by opting for a present and passionate training school like L’auto-école Lémanique!

The aim of our passionate team is to create an environment conducive to learning and to support you throughout your driving experience. We offer customized training focused on driving skills and road safety.

To suit all our students, the languages spoken during our courses are French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish and Albanian. In a friendly, professional atmosphere, you’ll feel guided and supported as you learn to drive a car. And don’t hesitate to ask your instructor any questions! When you’re learning, there’s no such thing as a stupid question: you just need to know more.

Book your driving lessons at Lémanique driving school. We look forward to following and guiding your progress.

Are driving lessons compulsory to obtain a driver’s license?

Driving courses are not compulsory in Switzerland. However, they are highly recommended to maximize your chances of obtaining your driver’s license.

Who is eligible for driving lessons?

Before starting driving lessons, you must hold a valid learner’s permit. The learner’s permit issued by the relevant authorities attests to your ability to drive a vehicle and your knowledge of driving rules.

Why take a driving course?

Driving courses enable you to acquire the skills you need to drive safely, learn good driving practices and prepare effectively for the practical driving test.

Who gives driving lessons?

To take driving lessons, contact your driving school directly. Your lessons will then be led by a certified instructor. Driving instructors are qualified professionals with extensive driving instruction experience. Their supervision enables you to receive personalized advice, learn advanced driving techniques and correct any errors.

ghali benhimaghali benhima
16:32 24 Apr 24
super prof! très dynamique
Maud GalleyMaud Galley
19:04 18 Apr 24
Sameer KhanSameer Khan
19:04 18 Apr 24
Erblin NeziriErblin Neziri
19:05 16 Apr 24
Je recommande très claire et superb
Edvin NobleEdvin Noble
22:55 14 Mar 24
Christelle M. BallaChristelle M. Balla
19:55 13 Mar 24
Personnel très gentil et agréable ! J’y ai fait ma sensibilisation et ça s’est très bien passé
19:51 13 Mar 24
julia jatonjulia jaton
19:55 11 Mar 24
andreia xavierandreia xavier
13:41 23 Feb 24
Veronika KotlyarevskaVeronika Kotlyarevska
21:00 07 Feb 24
Cette école est la bonne direction. Beaucoup d'informations utiles, quelques vidéos d'horreur et un moniteur sympathique qui nous tient tout le temps éveillés en posant des questions 😉
Chloé CamposChloé Campos
15:54 30 Jan 24
Auto école au top, autant les samaritains et la sensi que les cours pratiques. Je partais de loin mais Labinot m’a tout de suite mise à l’aise avec quelques blagues bien placés. Je recommande!
Marie BotrosMarie Botros
10:45 17 Jan 24
Une auto-école d'exception ! Les moniteurs sont véritablement dévoués, mettant en place un environnement d'apprentissage encourageant. Leurs conseils judicieux m'ont permis de réussir mon permis du premier coup. L'équipe est très chaleureuse, les locaux impeccables. Un choix sûr pour une formation de conduite réussie ! 🌟🚗 Mention spéciale pour Wada, Labinot et Alban ! 👍🏽
Hy YuryHy Yury
20:24 12 Dec 23
J'ai eu mon permiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!!! Aujourd'hui 🙂 j'ai tout fait chez AEL, que ce soit des samaritains à la pratique, j'ai apprécié toutes les étapes de mon apprentissage, surtout la pratique. Comme mes expériences passées étaient désastreuses, j'appréhendais beaucoup cette partie, mais dès que j'ai eu Blerta au téléphone, je savais que c'était la bonne personne pour moi, et je ne me suis pas trompée! Patiente, pédagogue, gentille et très (très!) impliquée, elle m'a donné les armes pour affronter l'examen de conduite, et prendre confiance en moi! Elle m'a aussi fait conduire avec son frère, Desariot, afin que je puisse m'habituer à d'autres méthodes, et tester mes compétences dans un autre contexte que celui de nos heures à nous.Je pense qu'apprendre avec eux m'a permis de (re)prendre plaisir à conduire, et pour cela je ne peux que leur être reconnaissante!Franchement, merci beaucoup!
Morane GirardetMorane Girardet
11:31 27 Nov 23
Meilleurs prix à Genève. Bientôt 1 an que j'ai obtenu mon permis en grande partie grâce à cette école.Un grand merci à toute la boîte et mention spéciale à mon moniteur, Desario. À l'écoute, s'adapte à votre niveau et capacités. Un très bon enseignement qui reste, je ne manque aucun clignotant.
Marine WilliMarine Willi
19:37 05 Oct 23
Incroyable sensibilisation! Des profs vraiment dynamique. Alban a la capacité à communiquer et interagir avec le groupe de manière joviale et impliquée. toutes les informations nécessaires sont transmises de manière clair et fluide.Il installe une atmosphère agréableBien joué!✌️
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