
Driver’s licence first aid course: What is it for and where can I take it?

Traffic accidents happen every year in Switzerland. The useful First Aid course will help you to manage such a situation as effectively as possible. It could greatly save lives. This course is also a prerequisite for passing your driving test. It’s a fundamental step towards passing the theory test and obtaining a driver’s license. Thanks to our first aid courses, you’ll learn how to react to specific situations and be able to help those in need while waiting for medical professionals to arrive.

This article gives you a brief overview of what you need to do to stay safe on the road. It will also guide you on how to rescue safely in the event of an accident.

Moto Auto-école Lémanique will help you gain the confidence to take the first aid course.

Why the driver’s first aid course?

Each individual must have an ethical commitment to the life of another person and, according to his or her possibilities, give help to those in need. It’s an act of solidarity. However, good will is not enough; technical knowledge is required, as any action taken in the wrong direction can further aggravate the victim’s condition. So the importance of a driver’s first aid course is obvious. It also provides all the knowledge needed to obtain a driver’s license.

Driving first aid course: What do you learn?

Anyone who takes part in a first-aid course acquires the knowledge needed to identify driving-related emergencies and apply assistance techniques in the event of a traffic accident.

It’s a program that includes both theoretical and practical courses, and teaches what needs to be done before and after first aid. For example, acting to ensure that patient transport to a healthcare facility is safe, without further compromising it. What’s more, the rescuer needs to know how to guarantee his or her own safety; that of the people involved in the event and the place where the event took place.

Driving first aid course: What to do if you’re first on the scene?

The following is a step-by-step approach as a guide, if you’re the first on the scene of an accident.

When approaching an accident scene, it’s really important to ensure your own safety. Make sure you create a safe area to facilitate traffic, otherwise there could be further casualties. Be aware of oncoming traffic to ensure that it does not present an additional hazard. Note any fuel spills or fire hazards. Switch on the vehicle’s hazard warning lights and use a warning triangle.

If other people are around, ask them to call emergency services. If you’re on your own, assess the situation and treat any life-threatening conditions first. Quickly establish the number of vehicles involved. Assess the occupants of all vehicles to ensure that no one has suffered serious injury.

Driving first aid course: What to do when faced with seriously injured people?

You could be confronted with seriously injured and traumatized people, and as difficult as that may be. Driving first aid courses give you the opportunity to learn what to do first in the event of an accident. Who to call? How can we help the wounded? The first thing to do is to park your vehicle. Park as far away as possible and turn on your hazard warning lights, not forgetting your vehicle’s headlights. Place an emergency triangle at least 50 m from the accident site, and 100 m on freeways where speeds are often high.

You can also ask someone to stand at least 50 meters from the accident site and alert oncoming traffic. The next and most important step is to call the emergency services. You’ll need to provide your phone number, the location, details of the accident, the number of people injured and whether there was a fire. This will ensure the earliest possible arrival of appropriate emergency personnel closest to the scene. Do you need more information? At Moto Auto-école Lémanique you’ll find everything you need to obtain a Swiss driving license: detailed first-aid driving courses, for example.

What should you do if you pass an accident scene?

Obey instructions given by traffic wardens or emergency personnel. If necessary, you should reduce your speed and even stop, but don’t be tempted to slow down. This is potentially very dangerous, as it could lead to a secondary collision.

Keep an eye out for emergency vehicles and people on the scene. Be aware of other vehicles passing by. Do not stop or get out of your vehicle unless specifically instructed to do so. So don’t be impatient if traffic is blocked. These are just some of the issues addressed by first aid driving courses.

Do you know how to help in a car accident?

  • First, check out any quiet person

People who shout, cry and make noise need to breathe. Your first priority is to check on anyone standing still. Quickly check whether calm casualties are responding. If there’s no response, check their breathing. If they don’t respond and are breathing, make sure they’re in a lateral safety position where the airway will remain open. Move them as little as possible. Keep talking calmly to the victims, as they can hear you even if they are unconscious. You can only learn this in a driving first aid course.

  • Important control points

When it comes to traffic accidents, you need to take a lot of precautions. The Driving First Aid course teaches you how to save lives in the event of danger. For example, do you know what to do if someone is not breathing in an accident? In this case, you should perform cardiac massage on the patient. Only remove an unconscious person from a vehicle if there is an immediate danger to life from fire, flood and explosion.

Call the emergency services for advice on what to do. It’s very difficult to get an unconscious person out of a vehicle. There’s a major risk that you could aggravate his injuries and injure yourself in the process. Conscious casualties must be picked up by bystanders and evacuated from the wreckage to a safe area. Be aware of confused and dazed casualties, which can worsen. Tell passers-by to keep the injured warm and calm, and help them contact their loved ones. Look for major bleeding and life-threatening injuries and treat them first.

Take note of the nature of the vehicle after the accident and be aware of possible injuries as a result. For example, bodies are less resistant than iron. Therefore, if there is significant damage to the vehicle, it’s possible that there are internal injuries linked to the victims. You should keep a close eye on anyone trapped in a vehicle, and notify the emergency services immediately. Wear gloves and apply dressings if you are trying to control severe bleeding.

Driving first aid course: How to help in a motorcycle accident?

Driving first aid courses also include the motorcycle accident rescue program. What should I do in the event of a motorcycle accident? Only remove a motorcyclist’s helmet if he or she is unconscious and there is no other way of assessing breathing, or if the airway is in danger.

If a victim has been hit by a car and is lying on their back unconscious and breathing, they should be carefully rolled into the recovery position to keep their spine in line. This should ideally include support from others to avoid twisting the spine. If a victim has been hit by a vehicle or ejected from a vehicle and is conscious on the road, try to immobilize them. Make sure someone is directing traffic and ensuring safety. Support his head and neck until help arrives.

What would you think of a special training course in Geneva that will enable you to master these first aid courses quickly and easily? If you’re interested, Lémanique is for you. It is located in the following districts: Eaux Vive, SERVETTE and Plain Palais.

Where can I take the driving first aid course?

Are you interested in taking the course? Before enrolling in a school, look for establishments that can offer learning that encompasses theory and practice; good materials and qualified, experienced teachers.

Would you like to take a first aid driving course at Moto Auto-écoleLémanique, a highly qualified school? Are you looking for well-trained professionals and educators? At our driving school, we offer a comprehensive first-aid training program.

If you would like to take a driving test to obtain a Swiss driving license, such a learning program is ideal. It contains detailed explanations of the theoretical and practical courses, which are extremely useful.


The aim of driving first aid courses is to teach you how to recognize an emergency and control it before help arrives. This is never the job of a professional, but you can manage the situation as best you can before he arrives. By now we’re sure you’re aware of the importance of driving first aid courses and how they can benefit your life and the lives of others. Nevertheless, this course includes several additional classes. If you’re interested, take a look at our dedicated first aid page, or contact us now to meet our highly trained team. We can help you in this process!

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